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Friday, December 22, 2023

“Unveiling the Rich tapestry of Kafir Kot : The visit through time and History.”

Last week, I embarked on  a mesmerising journey from Mianwali to DI Khan, taking in the rugged landscape of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). As I bid farewell to Mianwali, rugged mountains became my companion, one side of the road adorned with high peaks and the other lush green, a testament to the region's fertile agricultural land. Palm trees and sugarcane fields made a beautiful scene, heralding

my arrival in Pakistan's second largest date-growing region.

The journey unfolded, and as I passed Belot, a strange name caught my attention. Intrigued, I decided to explore further, which led me to a hidden gem known as Kaffir Kot. Perched atop the hills, ancient structures stood silhouetted against the sky. Surrounded by mesmerizing valleys, this area offers a breathtaking view.

Driven by my passion for historic buildings, I turned my car into the hills, embarking on a challenging hike through this sparsely populated area. Seven temples encased in stone walls emerge as an architectural masterpiece, a testament to the region's rich history. The surrounding mountains surrounded another beautiful valley, adding to the allure of the place.

As I discovered, turning the pages of history, the story of Bilkot and Tilkot, the Hindu kings who once ruled the region, is revealed. The legendary conqueror Mahmud Ghaznavi marked the end of his reign during his conquest of the Indo-Pak region. Billy Shareef  village, named after Raja Bull, now stands as a reminder of this historical period.

In a commendable effort to preserve this magnificent heritage, the KPK government has established a museum in the area, allowing visitors to glimpse into the past and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural mosaic that defined Kafar Kot. Is.

My journey through time and history culminated with a new appreciation for the lesser-known gems that dot Pakistan's landscape. Apart from the breathtaking scenery, these ancient temples and valleys serve as portals to a bygone era, where echoes of the past reverberate through the stones and walls of Kafir Kot.

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